
Você já sonhou em criar chatbots inteligentes que possam conversar de maneira natural e útil com os usuários Agora, você pode transformar esse sonho em realidade com o nosso curso Construindo IA Conversacional com Python e ChatGPT.

Descrição do Curso

A inteligência artificial conversacional está revolucionando a maneira como as empresas se envolvem com seus clientes e como os aplicativos interagem com os usuários. Com este curso, você mergulhará nas técnicas avançadas de IA e dominará a criação de chatbots sofisticados usando a poderosa combinação de Python e o ChatGPT.

O que você aprenderá

1. Fundamentos da IA Conversacional: Entenda os princípios essenciais por trás da criação de chatbots inteligentes e suas aplicações práticas.

2. Python para IA: Domine a programação em Python, uma linguagem versátil amplamente usada na criação de soluções de IA.

3. Integração do ChatGPT: Aprenda como integrar o ChatGPT, um dos modelos de linguagem mais avançados, em seus projetos de IA conversacional.

4. Design de Diálogo: Descubra como projetar fluxos de diálogo eficazes para chatbots que fornecem respostas úteis e naturais.

5. Aprendizado Supervisionado: Treine seu chatbot com dados de conversas reais para aprimorar seu desempenho.

6. Personalização Avançada: Saiba como adaptar seu chatbot para atender às necessidades específicas do seu público e do seu negócio.

7. Integração com Aplicativos: Explore como integrar seu chatbot em aplicativos da web, dispositivos móveis e outras plataformas.

8. Teste e Melhoria Contínua: Aprenda a testar, monitorar e aprimorar constantemente seu chatbot para um desempenho excepcional.

Por que escolher nosso curso

- Instrutores Especializados: Nossos instrutores são especialistas em IA conversacional e têm experiência prática na criação de chatbots avançados.

- Acesso Vitalício: Ao se inscrever, você obtém acesso vitalício ao conteúdo do curso e a todas as futuras atualizações.

- Projetos Práticos: Coloque seu aprendizado em prática com projetos reais, criando chatbots de conversação interativos.

- Comunidade Engajada: Junte-se a uma comunidade de estudantes e profissionais que compartilham seu interesse na IA conversacional.

- Certificado Reconhecido: Ao concluir o curso, você receberá um certificado que comprova suas habilidades em IA conversacional com Python e ChatGPT.

Não espere mais para se tornar um mestre na criação de chatbots inteligentes. Inscreva-se hoje em nosso curso Construindo IA Conversacional com Python e ChatGPT e prepare-se para criar experiências de conversação cativantes e inovadoras que deixarão uma impressão duradoura nos seus usuários.


Você já sonhou em criar chatbots inteligentes que possam conversar de maneira natural e útil com os usuários Agora, você pode transformar esse sonho em realidade com o nosso curso Construindo IA Conversacional com Python e ChatGPT.

Descrição do Curso

A inteligência artificial conversacional está revolucionando a maneira como as empresas se envolvem com seus clientes e como os aplicativos interagem com os usuários. Com este curso, você mergulhará nas técnicas avançadas de IA e dominará a criação de chatbots sofisticados usando a poderosa combinação de Python e o ChatGPT.

O que você aprenderá

1. Fundamentos da IA Conversacional: Entenda os princípios essenciais por trás da criação de chatbots inteligentes e suas aplicações práticas.

2. Python para IA: Domine a programação em Python, uma linguagem versátil amplamente usada na criação de soluções de IA.

3. Integração do ChatGPT: Aprenda como integrar o ChatGPT, um dos modelos de linguagem mais avançados, em seus projetos de IA conversacional.

4. Design de Diálogo: Descubra como projetar fluxos de diálogo eficazes para chatbots que fornecem respostas úteis e naturais.

5. Aprendizado Supervisionado: Treine seu chatbot com dados de conversas reais para aprimorar seu desempenho.

6. Personalização Avançada: Saiba como adaptar seu chatbot para atender às necessidades específicas do seu público e do seu negócio.

7. Integração com Aplicativos: Explore como integrar seu chatbot em aplicativos da web, dispositivos móveis e outras plataformas.

8. Teste e Melhoria Contínua: Aprenda a testar, monitorar e aprimorar constantemente seu chatbot para um desempenho excepcional.

Por que escolher nosso curso

- Instrutores Especializados: Nossos instrutores são especialistas em IA conversacional e têm experiência prática na criação de chatbots avançados.

- Acesso Vitalício: Ao se inscrever, você obtém acesso vitalício ao conteúdo do curso e a todas as futuras atualizações.

- Projetos Práticos: Coloque seu aprendizado em prática com projetos reais, criando chatbots de conversação interativos.

- Comunidade Engajada: Junte-se a uma comunidade de estudantes e profissionais que compartilham seu interesse na IA conversacional.

- Certificado Reconhecido: Ao concluir o curso, você receberá um certificado que comprova suas habilidades em IA conversacional com Python e ChatGPT.

Não espere mais para se tornar um mestre na criação de chatbots inteligentes. Inscreva-se hoje em nosso curso Construindo IA Conversacional com Python e ChatGPT e prepare-se para criar experiências de conversação cativantes e inovadoras que deixarão uma impressão duradoura nos seus usuários.


Join the growing community of 350,000+ coding and AI students at Leap Year Learning!

Embark on a Journey in Python and Web Development!

Are you curious about the art of coding and eager to unlock the vast possibilities it offers in both Python programming and web development? You've arrived at the right destination!

In this unique course, you will create your own AI assistant and learn a comprehensive understanding of Python, Visual Studio Code, and ChatGPT from our expert coding instructors who have been masterfully coding in Python for over ten years. Each chapter, we'll guide you through the language of Python and teach you how to manipulate its syntax, execute powerful operations, and turn your creativity into impactful programming projects.

You will also dive into the essentials of web development! This BRAND NEW course covers everything you need to know about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. This course will help you unlock the skills you need to create stunning websites and master interactive web applications.

By the end of this supercharged course, you will have learned the following skills:

  1. Python Fundamentals
    An introduction to Python, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about the concepts of programming, such as variables, data types, conditionals, functions, modules, libraries, collections, and object-oriented programming. From there, we’ll dive even deeper into JSON, APIs, and project initialization.

    • Get started with Python and learn the layout
    • Set up your own coding environment with Visual Studio Code
    • Develop the initial structure and configuration for your own project

  2. Speech Recognition and OpenAI Agent
    A step-by-step guide to Python’s speech recognition library, Google’s speech recognition, and the power of AI as a voice command tool. You will explore the world of voice technology, while expanding your knowledge and skillsets.

    • Understand the art of voice synthesis
    • Create a user-friendly and interactive voice-controlled AI chatbot
    • Conquer the hurdles of audio quality control

  3. Advanced Command Processing
    We will dive headfirst into list comprehensions and AI command processing in Python. You will ultimately master the art of crafting concise one-liners that pack the punch of multiple lines of complex code.

    • Learn the fundamentals of command processing
    • Master text-to-speech and refactor your OpenAI agent
    • Create your own custom to-do list to maximize daily productivity

  4. Weather Agent and Information Extractor
    In this section, you will create your very own weather agent by integrating a weather command label. Then, you'll construct a unique information extractor to train your AI assistant on your unique commands faster and easier than ever before.

    • Create a custom weather command handler
    • Learn how to process data, make it more advanced and robust
    • Use your weather agent in the MainApp Class to provide live updates

  5. AI Trivia Game Feature
    You will learn how to add a fun and interactive trivia game feature to your tailored AI assistant, which will make it a great companion that can entertain you and anyone who uses it.

    • Design your very own trivia game feature
    • Develop the skill of selective rephrasing that will give a natural feel to the game
    • Successfully code your assistant to validate answers and provide feedback

  6. Explore API NINJAS and Jokes Agent
    You'll have a blast as we explore API NINJAS and integrate a joke agent function into your AI assistant. Then, you'll initialize the joke agent and integrate this feature to bring laughter and life to your project.

    • Explore and master API NINJAS jokes agent
    • Integrate an entertaining jokes feature into our AI chatbot
    • Add live listening capability to your AI assistant

  7. Create Your Own Website with HTML 

    Embark on an exciting journey of digital creativity as we guide you step-by-step to build your very own website from scratch using HTML, the foundational language of the web.

    • Learn HTML document structure and create a file in Visual Studio Code

    • Explore Metadata and document headers

    • Add images, video, and audio to your personal website

  8. Style Your Website with CSS 
    Dive into the vibrant world of web design as we explore the transformative power of CSS styling to give your website its own unique flair.

    • Understand CSS syntax and selectors

    • Master the CSS properties of colors, fonts, and text

    • Use background images and properties like background size and position, and craft linear and radial gradients

  9. Boost Interactivity with JavaScript

    Unlock the full potential of your web creations by learning to boost interactivity with JavaScript, transforming static pages into dynamic, engaging experiences.

    • Learn about variables by storing and manipulating data in JavaScript

    • Dive into arrays by managing lists of data

    • Understand objects, properties, methods, and accessing complex data, and use objects to represent user profile data

  10. Master the Art of React
    In this section, you will launch an exhilarating journey to master the art of React, where you'll transform your web development skills and bring your interactive projects to life with cutting-edge techniques.

    • Set up the proper React environment

    • Understand the structure of a React project

    • Dive into props and states in the environment

What to expect:

This course encompasses all the knowledge required to master coding and gain the skillset to create your own supercharged AI assistant that will improve your overall efficiency and daily productivity, as well as take your web development proficiency to the next level.

Our biggest goal for you:

Upon completing this course, you'll transform from a novice in Python and web development to a proficient coder, equipped with all the tools necessary to apply your newfound coding abilities and create at a pace that's infinitely faster and more effortless than you could’ve imagined!

Why enroll today:

We'll be continuously adding brand-new lectures, resources, and learning activities to this course! So once you enroll, you'll have lifetime access to the ever-growing course content library and coding projects!

You'll have lifetime access to:

  • 183 video lectures

  • 17 hours of learning lessons

  • 100 gigs of streamable content

  • Lifetime access to the tutorials and assets

  • Updates to all future course materials

  • Teacher responses in the Q&A section

If you’re ready to learn the latest technologies and be at the forefront of the $4 trillion global AI boom, then hit the enroll button and let's get started!


Join the growing community of 350,000+ coding and AI students at Leap Year Learning!

Embark on a Journey in Python and Web Development!

Are you curious about the art of coding and eager to unlock the vast possibilities it offers in both Python programming and web development? You've arrived at the right destination!

In this unique course, you will create your own AI assistant and learn a comprehensive understanding of Python, Visual Studio Code, and ChatGPT from our expert coding instructors who have been masterfully coding in Python for over ten years. Each chapter, we'll guide you through the language of Python and teach you how to manipulate its syntax, execute powerful operations, and turn your creativity into impactful programming projects.

You will also dive into the essentials of web development! This BRAND NEW course covers everything you need to know about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. This course will help you unlock the skills you need to create stunning websites and master interactive web applications.

By the end of this supercharged course, you will have learned the following skills:

  1. Python Fundamentals
    An introduction to Python, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about the concepts of programming, such as variables, data types, conditionals, functions, modules, libraries, collections, and object-oriented programming. From there, we’ll dive even deeper into JSON, APIs, and project initialization.

    • Get started with Python and learn the layout
    • Set up your own coding environment with Visual Studio Code
    • Develop the initial structure and configuration for your own project

  2. Speech Recognition and OpenAI Agent
    A step-by-step guide to Python’s speech recognition library, Google’s speech recognition, and the power of AI as a voice command tool. You will explore the world of voice technology, while expanding your knowledge and skillsets.

    • Understand the art of voice synthesis
    • Create a user-friendly and interactive voice-controlled AI chatbot
    • Conquer the hurdles of audio quality control

  3. Advanced Command Processing
    We will dive headfirst into list comprehensions and AI command processing in Python. You will ultimately master the art of crafting concise one-liners that pack the punch of multiple lines of complex code.

    • Learn the fundamentals of command processing
    • Master text-to-speech and refactor your OpenAI agent
    • Create your own custom to-do list to maximize daily productivity

  4. Weather Agent and Information Extractor
    In this section, you will create your very own weather agent by integrating a weather command label. Then, you'll construct a unique information extractor to train your AI assistant on your unique commands faster and easier than ever before.

    • Create a custom weather command handler
    • Learn how to process data, make it more advanced and robust
    • Use your weather agent in the MainApp Class to provide live updates

  5. AI Trivia Game Feature
    You will learn how to add a fun and interactive trivia game feature to your tailored AI assistant, which will make it a great companion that can entertain you and anyone who uses it.

    • Design your very own trivia game feature
    • Develop the skill of selective rephrasing that will give a natural feel to the game
    • Successfully code your assistant to validate answers and provide feedback

  6. Explore API NINJAS and Jokes Agent
    You'll have a blast as we explore API NINJAS and integrate a joke agent function into your AI assistant. Then, you'll initialize the joke agent and integrate this feature to bring laughter and life to your project.

    • Explore and master API NINJAS jokes agent
    • Integrate an entertaining jokes feature into our AI chatbot
    • Add live listening capability to your AI assistant

  7. Create Your Own Website with HTML 

    Embark on an exciting journey of digital creativity as we guide you step-by-step to build your very own website from scratch using HTML, the foundational language of the web.

    • Learn HTML document structure and create a file in Visual Studio Code

    • Explore Metadata and document headers

    • Add images, video, and audio to your personal website

  8. Style Your Website with CSS 
    Dive into the vibrant world of web design as we explore the transformative power of CSS styling to give your website its own unique flair.

    • Understand CSS syntax and selectors

    • Master the CSS properties of colors, fonts, and text

    • Use background images and properties like background size and position, and craft linear and radial gradients

  9. Boost Interactivity with JavaScript

    Unlock the full potential of your web creations by learning to boost interactivity with JavaScript, transforming static pages into dynamic, engaging experiences.

    • Learn about variables by storing and manipulating data in JavaScript

    • Dive into arrays by managing lists of data

    • Understand objects, properties, methods, and accessing complex data, and use objects to represent user profile data

  10. Master the Art of React
    In this section, you will launch an exhilarating journey to master the art of React, where you'll transform your web development skills and bring your interactive projects to life with cutting-edge techniques.

    • Set up the proper React environment

    • Understand the structure of a React project

    • Dive into props and states in the environment

What to expect:

This course encompasses all the knowledge required to master coding and gain the skillset to create your own supercharged AI assistant that will improve your overall efficiency and daily productivity, as well as take your web development proficiency to the next level.

Our biggest goal for you:

Upon completing this course, you'll transform from a novice in Python and web development to a proficient coder, equipped with all the tools necessary to apply your newfound coding abilities and create at a pace that's infinitely faster and more effortless than you could’ve imagined!

Why enroll today:

We'll be continuously adding brand-new lectures, resources, and learning activities to this course! So once you enroll, you'll have lifetime access to the ever-growing course content library and coding projects!

You'll have lifetime access to:

  • 183 video lectures

  • 17 hours of learning lessons

  • 100 gigs of streamable content

  • Lifetime access to the tutorials and assets

  • Updates to all future course materials

  • Teacher responses in the Q&A section

If you’re ready to learn the latest technologies and be at the forefront of the $4 trillion global AI boom, then hit the enroll button and let's get started!


Introduction to Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist | AI | ML | DL

The Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist course is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills for data analysis in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

This course covers an array of topics such as creating/accessing arrays, indexing, and slicing array dimensions, and ndarray object. Learners will also be taught data types, conversion, and array attributes.

The course further delves into broadcasting, array manipulation, joining, splitting, and transposing operations.

Learners will gain insight into Numpy binary operators, bitwise operations, left and right shifts, string functions, mathematical functions, and trigonometric functions.

Additionally, the course covers arithmetic operations, statistical functions, and counting functions. Sorting, view, copy, and the differences among all copy methods are also covered.

By the end of the course, learners will be proficient in using Python Numpy for data analysis, making them ready to take on the challenges of the data science industry.

What you can do with Pandas Python

  1. Data analysis: Pandas is often used in data analysis to perform tasks such as data cleaning, manipulation, and exploration.

  2. Data visualization: Pandas can be used with visualization libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn to create visualizations from data.

  3. Machine learning: Pandas is often used in machine learning workflows to preprocess data before training models.

  4. Financial analysis: Pandas is used in finance to analyze and manipulate financial data.

  5. Social media analysis: Pandas can be used to analyze and manipulate social media data.

  6. Scientific computing: Pandas is used in scientific computing to manipulate and analyze large amounts of data.

  7. Business intelligence: Pandas can be used in business intelligence to analyze and manipulate data for decision-making.

  8. Web scraping: Pandas can be used in web scraping to extract data from web pages and analyze it.

Instructors Experiences and Education:

Faisal Zamir is an experienced programmer and an expert in the field of computer science. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and has over 7 years of experience working in schools, colleges, and university. Faisal is a highly skilled instructor who is passionate about teaching and mentoring students in the field of computer science.

As a programmer, Faisal has worked on various projects and has experience in multiple programming languages, including PHP, Java, and Python. He has also worked on projects involving web development, software engineering, and database management. This broad range of experience has allowed Faisal to develop a deep understanding of the fundamentals of programming and the ability to teach complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

As an instructor, Faisal has a proven track record of success. He has taught students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and has a passion for helping students achieve their goals. Faisal has a unique teaching style that combines theory with practical examples, which allows students to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.

Overall, Faisal Zamir is a skilled programmer and a talented instructor who is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals in the field of computer science. With his extensive experience and proven track record of success, students can trust that they are learning from an expert in the field.

What you will learn in this course Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist

These are the outlines, you can read that will be covered in the course:

Chapter 01

Introduction to Numpy

Numpy Environnent Setup

Chapter 02

Creating /Accessing Array

Indexing & Slicing

Array dimensions  (1, 2, 3, ..N)

ndarray Object

Data types

Data type Conversion

Chapter 03

Array attributes

Array ndarray object attributes

Array creation in different ways

Array from existed data

Array from ranges function

Chapter 04


Array iteration

Update Array values

Broadcasting iteration

Chapter 05

Array Manipulation Operations

Array Joining Operations

Array Transpose Operations

Array Splitting Operations

Array More Operations

Chapter 06

Numpy binary operators – Binary Operations






Chapter 07

String Functions

Mathematical Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Chapter 08

Arithmetic operations












Statistical functions

Counting functions

Chapter 09








Chapter 10



30-day money-back guarantee for Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientists

Great! It's always reassuring to have a money-back guarantee when making a purchase, especially for an online course. With the "Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist | AI | ML | DL" course, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

This means that if you are not satisfied with the course within the first 30 days of purchase, you can request a full refund.

This shows the confidence of the course provider in the quality of their content, and it gives you the opportunity to try out the course risk-free.

So if you're looking to improve your skills in Python data analysis for data science, AI, ML, or DL, this course is definitely worth considering.

Thank you

Faisal Zamir


Introduction to Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist | AI | ML | DL

The Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist course is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills for data analysis in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

This course covers an array of topics such as creating/accessing arrays, indexing, and slicing array dimensions, and ndarray object. Learners will also be taught data types, conversion, and array attributes.

The course further delves into broadcasting, array manipulation, joining, splitting, and transposing operations.

Learners will gain insight into Numpy binary operators, bitwise operations, left and right shifts, string functions, mathematical functions, and trigonometric functions.

Additionally, the course covers arithmetic operations, statistical functions, and counting functions. Sorting, view, copy, and the differences among all copy methods are also covered.

By the end of the course, learners will be proficient in using Python Numpy for data analysis, making them ready to take on the challenges of the data science industry.

What you can do with Pandas Python

  1. Data analysis: Pandas is often used in data analysis to perform tasks such as data cleaning, manipulation, and exploration.

  2. Data visualization: Pandas can be used with visualization libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn to create visualizations from data.

  3. Machine learning: Pandas is often used in machine learning workflows to preprocess data before training models.

  4. Financial analysis: Pandas is used in finance to analyze and manipulate financial data.

  5. Social media analysis: Pandas can be used to analyze and manipulate social media data.

  6. Scientific computing: Pandas is used in scientific computing to manipulate and analyze large amounts of data.

  7. Business intelligence: Pandas can be used in business intelligence to analyze and manipulate data for decision-making.

  8. Web scraping: Pandas can be used in web scraping to extract data from web pages and analyze it.

Instructors Experiences and Education:

Faisal Zamir is an experienced programmer and an expert in the field of computer science. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and has over 7 years of experience working in schools, colleges, and university. Faisal is a highly skilled instructor who is passionate about teaching and mentoring students in the field of computer science.

As a programmer, Faisal has worked on various projects and has experience in multiple programming languages, including PHP, Java, and Python. He has also worked on projects involving web development, software engineering, and database management. This broad range of experience has allowed Faisal to develop a deep understanding of the fundamentals of programming and the ability to teach complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

As an instructor, Faisal has a proven track record of success. He has taught students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and has a passion for helping students achieve their goals. Faisal has a unique teaching style that combines theory with practical examples, which allows students to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.

Overall, Faisal Zamir is a skilled programmer and a talented instructor who is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals in the field of computer science. With his extensive experience and proven track record of success, students can trust that they are learning from an expert in the field.

What you will learn in this course Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist

These are the outlines, you can read that will be covered in the course:

Chapter 01

Introduction to Numpy

Numpy Environnent Setup

Chapter 02

Creating /Accessing Array

Indexing & Slicing

Array dimensions  (1, 2, 3, ..N)

ndarray Object

Data types

Data type Conversion

Chapter 03

Array attributes

Array ndarray object attributes

Array creation in different ways

Array from existed data

Array from ranges function

Chapter 04


Array iteration

Update Array values

Broadcasting iteration

Chapter 05

Array Manipulation Operations

Array Joining Operations

Array Transpose Operations

Array Splitting Operations

Array More Operations

Chapter 06

Numpy binary operators – Binary Operations






Chapter 07

String Functions

Mathematical Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Chapter 08

Arithmetic operations












Statistical functions

Counting functions

Chapter 09








Chapter 10



30-day money-back guarantee for Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientists

Great! It's always reassuring to have a money-back guarantee when making a purchase, especially for an online course. With the "Python Numpy Data Analysis for Data Scientist | AI | ML | DL" course, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

This means that if you are not satisfied with the course within the first 30 days of purchase, you can request a full refund.

This shows the confidence of the course provider in the quality of their content, and it gives you the opportunity to try out the course risk-free.

So if you're looking to improve your skills in Python data analysis for data science, AI, ML, or DL, this course is definitely worth considering.

Thank you

Faisal Zamir

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

Welcome to 'Python for Non-Engineers: Using AI.' This unique online course breaks down Python programming and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a coding tool into digestible parts. Crafted with non-engineers in mind, it is perfect for beginners, career changers, and those curious about coding. We are all about making Python and AI not just easy but fun.

We will start by diving into the 'Art of Problem Solving.' This will empower you with strategies that can advance your problem-solving skills. We then turn the spotlight onto 'Cultivating Curiosity and Creativity.' Here, we strive to ignite your innovative spirit and foster a love for continuous learning.

We will then steer you through a basic 'Overview of Python,' giving you insight into Python's significance and functionality. We follow up by discussing a variety of practical scenarios where Python can genuinely make a difference.

Our course also offers a unique, hands-on experience with AI. You will get an overview of 'LLMs and Other AI Buzzwords,' gain guidance on 'Prompting for Code,' and learn the process of 'Developing Your Project with AI.' This is where you'll see how AI can transform coding into a more efficient and enjoyable endeavor.

We wrap up by discussing and celebrating the projects you have created throughout your learning journey. We also go over what the 'Future of AI in the Workplace' may look like.

So, join us as we introduce AI as a Python coding partner. We are confident you will enjoy this course and learn something new and exciting while you are here.

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

Welcome to 'Python for Non-Engineers: Using AI.' This unique online course breaks down Python programming and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a coding tool into digestible parts. Crafted with non-engineers in mind, it is perfect for beginners, career changers, and those curious about coding. We are all about making Python and AI not just easy but fun.

We will start by diving into the 'Art of Problem Solving.' This will empower you with strategies that can advance your problem-solving skills. We then turn the spotlight onto 'Cultivating Curiosity and Creativity.' Here, we strive to ignite your innovative spirit and foster a love for continuous learning.

We will then steer you through a basic 'Overview of Python,' giving you insight into Python's significance and functionality. We follow up by discussing a variety of practical scenarios where Python can genuinely make a difference.

Our course also offers a unique, hands-on experience with AI. You will get an overview of 'LLMs and Other AI Buzzwords,' gain guidance on 'Prompting for Code,' and learn the process of 'Developing Your Project with AI.' This is where you'll see how AI can transform coding into a more efficient and enjoyable endeavor.

We wrap up by discussing and celebrating the projects you have created throughout your learning journey. We also go over what the 'Future of AI in the Workplace' may look like.

So, join us as we introduce AI as a Python coding partner. We are confident you will enjoy this course and learn something new and exciting while you are here.


Welcome to the most complete Python coding Bootcamp in the world! Are you ready to unlock the power of Python and take your coding skills to the next level? This is the only course you need to learn Python programming in no time.

Over 50 hours of Python training from beginner to advanced subjects with new practices added on a daily basis.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced developer looking to upskill, our comprehensive Python course is the perfect solution for you.

Even if you have no prior Python programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional. Here's why:

  • The course is taught by a senior developer and expert in Python and machine learning.

  • The course is applicable to the latest Python changes and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google, and Netflix.

  • There are explanation videos and dozens of real-world simple to advanced projects which you will get to build.

  • The content was developed over a period of 6 months, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.

  • I've taught over 200,000 students how to code and many have changed their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own startups.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason. It is easy to learn, versatile, and widely used in fields such as data science, machine learning, web development, and automation. By mastering Python, you can open up a world of new career opportunities and tackle complex coding challenges with ease.

This beginner to advanced Python course is designed to help you learn the language from scratch and develop your skills to an advanced level. The course curriculum covers everything from the basics of Python syntax and programming concepts to advanced topics such as web scraping, data analysis, and machine learning.

With this Python course, you’ll get hands-on experience with Python through a range of practical projects and exercises. Our interactive lessons are designed to keep you engaged and motivated, and the experienced instructor is always on hand to provide support and guidance whenever you need it.

Here are some of the lessons you'll learn in this Python course:

  • The basics of Python syntax and programming concepts

  • How to work with Python libraries, modules, and packages

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts

  • Web development with Python and popular frameworks such as Flask and Django

  • Data analysis and visualization with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib

  • Machine learning with libraries like Scikit-learn and TensorFlow

  • How to build real-world applications using Python

  • and much much more

This course is designed to be flexible and convenient for busy learners like you. You can learn at your own pace and access our course content from anywhere in the world. Plus, our course is constantly updated with the latest Python trends, updates, and technologies, so you can be sure you’re learning the most up-to-date and relevant skills.

Besides Python programming, we will also cover other technologies that commonly go alongside Python to make you a truly professional Python developer. Here are some of the covered software, languages, and technologies in this course:

  • Python 3 - the latest version of Python

  • PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab

  • Python Scripting and Automation

  • Python Game Development

  • Web Scraping

  • Beautiful Soup

  • Selenium Web Driver

  • Request

  • WTForms

  • Data Science

  • Pandas

  • NumPy

  • Matplotlib

  • Plotly

  • Scikit learn

  • Seaborn

  • Turtle

  • Python GUI Desktop App Development

  • Tkinter

  • Front-End Web Development

  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • Bootstrap 4

  • Bash Command Line

  • Git, GitHub and Version Control

  • Backend Web Development

  • Flask

  • REST

  • APIs

  • Databases

  • SQL

  • SQLite

  • PostgreSQL

  • Authentication

  • Web Design

  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and GUnicorn

But don't just take our word for it! Here’s what some of our satisfied students have to say about our Python course:

“Absolutely fantastic Python course! The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate about teaching Python and make complex concepts easy to understand. The exercises and projects were challenging but rewarding, and I learned so much in a short amount of time. Highly recommended!” - Sarah, 25

“I had some experience with Python before, but this course helped me take my skills to the next level. The content is well-organized and easy to follow, and the support from the instructors is amazing. The projects were particularly fun and helped me apply what I learned to real-world scenarios.” - John, 32

Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level with Python? Join our course today and start your journey toward becoming a proficient Python developer. We’re confident you’ll love our course, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Don't wait any longer to start your Python journey. Enroll now and unlock the power of Python today!


Welcome to the most complete Python coding Bootcamp in the world! Are you ready to unlock the power of Python and take your coding skills to the next level? This is the only course you need to learn Python programming in no time.

Over 50 hours of Python training from beginner to advanced subjects with new practices added on a daily basis.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced developer looking to upskill, our comprehensive Python course is the perfect solution for you.

Even if you have no prior Python programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional. Here's why:

  • The course is taught by a senior developer and expert in Python and machine learning.

  • The course is applicable to the latest Python changes and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google, and Netflix.

  • There are explanation videos and dozens of real-world simple to advanced projects which you will get to build.

  • The content was developed over a period of 6 months, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.

  • I've taught over 200,000 students how to code and many have changed their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own startups.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason. It is easy to learn, versatile, and widely used in fields such as data science, machine learning, web development, and automation. By mastering Python, you can open up a world of new career opportunities and tackle complex coding challenges with ease.

This beginner to advanced Python course is designed to help you learn the language from scratch and develop your skills to an advanced level. The course curriculum covers everything from the basics of Python syntax and programming concepts to advanced topics such as web scraping, data analysis, and machine learning.

With this Python course, you’ll get hands-on experience with Python through a range of practical projects and exercises. Our interactive lessons are designed to keep you engaged and motivated, and the experienced instructor is always on hand to provide support and guidance whenever you need it.

Here are some of the lessons you'll learn in this Python course:

  • The basics of Python syntax and programming concepts

  • How to work with Python libraries, modules, and packages

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts

  • Web development with Python and popular frameworks such as Flask and Django

  • Data analysis and visualization with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib

  • Machine learning with libraries like Scikit-learn and TensorFlow

  • How to build real-world applications using Python

  • and much much more

This course is designed to be flexible and convenient for busy learners like you. You can learn at your own pace and access our course content from anywhere in the world. Plus, our course is constantly updated with the latest Python trends, updates, and technologies, so you can be sure you’re learning the most up-to-date and relevant skills.

Besides Python programming, we will also cover other technologies that commonly go alongside Python to make you a truly professional Python developer. Here are some of the covered software, languages, and technologies in this course:

  • Python 3 - the latest version of Python

  • PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab

  • Python Scripting and Automation

  • Python Game Development

  • Web Scraping

  • Beautiful Soup

  • Selenium Web Driver

  • Request

  • WTForms

  • Data Science

  • Pandas

  • NumPy

  • Matplotlib

  • Plotly

  • Scikit learn

  • Seaborn

  • Turtle

  • Python GUI Desktop App Development

  • Tkinter

  • Front-End Web Development

  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • Bootstrap 4

  • Bash Command Line

  • Git, GitHub and Version Control

  • Backend Web Development

  • Flask

  • REST

  • APIs

  • Databases

  • SQL

  • SQLite

  • PostgreSQL

  • Authentication

  • Web Design

  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and GUnicorn

But don't just take our word for it! Here’s what some of our satisfied students have to say about our Python course:

“Absolutely fantastic Python course! The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate about teaching Python and make complex concepts easy to understand. The exercises and projects were challenging but rewarding, and I learned so much in a short amount of time. Highly recommended!” - Sarah, 25

“I had some experience with Python before, but this course helped me take my skills to the next level. The content is well-organized and easy to follow, and the support from the instructors is amazing. The projects were particularly fun and helped me apply what I learned to real-world scenarios.” - John, 32

Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level with Python? Join our course today and start your journey toward becoming a proficient Python developer. We’re confident you’ll love our course, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Don't wait any longer to start your Python journey. Enroll now and unlock the power of Python today!